What if beneath the gloaming sky
and all the Pacific wonders-why
The starry, starry night stares us blind
We shudder, shiver, slowly we succumb
That sea salt smell really travels boy
It wends and wafts and crawls upwind
You can smell the sea when it isn’t even there
The ocean flows the tides of air
The evil gulls black-blinked and banked,
Turned and called with their crybaby pains
creative cries, delinquent gains
Sacrifice that car! We need a canvass to shit our graffiti!
The waves chew the earth with their inexorable hunger
Slapping the sand’s thighs with its foamy sighs
Determination of the damned this can’t go on forever… can it?
Only all the way to Tahiti!
So it goes, on and on forever, as the eye
can clearly see, the seas
Green and frothy, a soup of something surely
I march to be mixed, attached at the hips
and all the Pacific wonders-why
The starry, starry night stares us blind
We shudder, shiver, slowly we succumb
That sea salt smell really travels boy
It wends and wafts and crawls upwind
You can smell the sea when it isn’t even there
The ocean flows the tides of air
The evil gulls black-blinked and banked,
Turned and called with their crybaby pains
creative cries, delinquent gains
Sacrifice that car! We need a canvass to shit our graffiti!
The waves chew the earth with their inexorable hunger
Slapping the sand’s thighs with its foamy sighs
Determination of the damned this can’t go on forever… can it?
Only all the way to Tahiti!
So it goes, on and on forever, as the eye
can clearly see, the seas
Green and frothy, a soup of something surely
I march to be mixed, attached at the hips