Friday, January 25, 2008

Growing with the Speed of Pain

Contentment coupled anticipation
Heavy frost clear-headed crispness
Warbling birds wafting coffee
A hammered-gold Jesus killer fucking day

To have such an open-ended wonder
Kneeling before me like a pregnant moose
Presenting a vast foreign country to expectantly explore
At this moment in time, in this new state

Addled addiction squats in the basement
It snuffles and scratches hungrily
Peaking under the door, it mutedly mutters
With its ever present effrontery

Feeling furious, sounding powerful, smelling betrayal
Like a food stuffed snoring dog
It dreams cunning dreams

Thinking of breaking into a running trot
Wanting to get started no caring direction in mind
To leap face first and sink my teeth in
To this new tasty meat

Itching to speak
But no one or nothing to say it to
Growing with the speed of Pain
Thank you for my new country

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