From Me:
Michael Patrick thank you
For being such a mean kibbles man
Michael Patrick thank you
For showing us where to stand
Michael Patrick is a flamer
Who claims he isn’t gay (claims)
Michael Patrick is insaner (than most)
Just listen to what he has to say
If there is a feather-bed heaven
All sleek and blue and fat
And Michael you are in it
I know that’s not where it’s at
If people like me belong in hell so hotly
Then we will reside in love
My hell-suit will drape me just fine
AAnd your hell will be above
You can judge your angels
For flying with two left wings
And I will polish my hornies
Till I know they will truly sting
From Michael:
"The halls are alive with the sound of zombies
With drunk-a-logs they have sung for seventy years
The halls fill your brain with the sound of zombies
Your brain wants to explode to every drunk-a-log it hears
Your brain wants to rip the steps to shreds
which rise from the dead & explode into hell
Your stomach wants to “puke” like a zombie that flies
to an AA meeting & the higher power
To laugh at the big book when it trips and falls
oversteppers on its way
To cry through the night like a bill & bob clone
You go to the meetings when your brain is "loony"
I know you will hear what you've heard before
Your heart will be cursed with the sound of zombies
And you'll vomit once more".