Sunday, May 11, 2008

Is Death Like Sleeping?

Is heaven like dreaming?
Has jelly-roll jesus
Rough hewn my suite

Holy hand wrought
Before human thought
A delicious golden teat

Is life like cheating
Crawling creeping charm
Jitterbug in haste

Is death like sleeping
So very chocolate warm
Give me her to taste

Quaking nervous moments
Chiding my higher power
Purple lost and dour

Sleepiness of aches
Painful pill to take
Waking the wrong hour

The narrow hissing road
Tongue testing tear
Biting streams of thirst

Will they help you if you ask?
Will they reach you if you grasp
When you’re at your very worst

Let me close my eyes
To dive dark inside
Swimming through the heat

As I lie down beside her
Let me smell her hair
For someday we shall meet

We will kiss each other’s mouths
We will arch each other’s brows
Forever we will sleep


Anonymous said...

t's such a important site. cool, quite intriguing!!!




Anonymous said...

Hi there

Awesome blog, great write up, thank you!